Others say that it’s the typical sound of a snake’s hiss. Some people think that it resembles a rustling sound that will get a cat’s attention, while others believe that it sounds like a bird call. Plus, my son said, I think there’s something wrong with that cat. With the switch set to off ("O position), place the motion detector unit on top of the spray can and firmly slide down the locking ring until it clicks in place. Answer (1 of 3): There are many different opinions ad to why. Psst-psst Here kitty Hungry for a little snack Don’t be ridiculous, I said, and lowered my hand to the ground, as if I were cradling food, a trick from my childhood that had never failed to lure our cat, Pumpkin, out from beneath my bed.To re position it, line up the curved notch on the locking ring with the tallest straight notch on the refill connection point and lock into place. Add multiple sprays to create multiple pet-free zones in your home. Your pet will quickly learn to stay away from this area. So, if your cat, Luna, hops up on the counter, the. Your pet will feel a quick burst of harmless yet annoying spray. This dog and cat spray deterrent has an adjustable motion sensor that monitors movement up to 3 feet away. When your pet comes near the area, the Motion Sensor will detects your pet's movement. Turn on the spray and wait a few seconds for the Motion Sensor to stabilize itself. Occasionally used in a loud, sarcastic tone in a situation that obviously. Protect your kitchen counters, new furniture, and potted plants or keep pets away from the stairs or kid's room. Psst definition from the urban dictionary:Used mostly in quiet circumstances to obtain the attention of another person. Whenever I hear one of my cats make a cry, I go check out what it is. Crowell-Davis, who owns 15 cats, tell us crying might mean the cat is in distress. But when compared to a dog cry, a cat cry is all over the place in terms of frequency. Place the deterrent in the area you want your pet to avoid. And it sounds almost like when a dog whines, says Crowell-Davis.